Upon my pillow a head

Sobre mi almohada una cabeza

Micaela Chirif
Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2011
ISBN 978-841-52979-7-0



a head rests upon my pillow
slightly unknown
the beautiful nose the clear eyes

tell me beauty I ask
what is the place of your desire?

the head does not answer but smiles
and opens its wings



“As I close the olive green cover of Micaela Chirif’s latest book, a verse by Vallejo comes to my mind: « How to talk about the not-me without crying out? ». In this book, loss is experienced without fanfare, almost modestly, and thus the everyday becomes a leitmotif, a way of vindicating love through day to day life”.
Victoria Guerrero

“Death, the great protagonist of these pages, is also the poet’s confrontation with the possibility of love’s disappearance, since the perception of life is physical, it is corporeal, it is flesh; and the feeling of love, which is, by nature, transcendent, harshly confronts the possibility of being meaningless. Micaela Chirif writes this in a subtle, very intelligent way, since she articulates her book as a deep tribute, as a profound declaration of love”.
Abraham Gragera


Upon my pillow a head

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