Workshops and talks 2021
Project Review
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Reading, stillness and movement
CEDILIJ Conference 2021
Creative reading workshop
Dictated with Mario Montalbetti
Project Review
Via Zoom
Workshops and talks 2020
Peruvian literature for children
Hay Festival
The surprise – Escribe melón
Ana Tarambana
Books to grow
Via Zoom
Project Review
Via Zoom
Poetry and the illustrated album book
Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Workshops and talks 2019
The poetic kitchen
Fondo de Cultura Económica (Economic Culture Fund)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Poetry and the illustrated album book
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Books that sound
Centro Cultural de España (Cultural Center of Spain)
Lima, Peru
Introduction to the illustrated album book writing
Centro Cultural de España (Cultural Center of Spain)
Lima, Peru
Project review
Lima, Peru
The book of pigs, by Anthony Browne
Feria del Libro de Lima (Lima’s Book Fair)
Lima, Peru
Workshops and talks 2018
Music in illustrated album books
Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
From voice to paper. Stories from oral tradition adapted to children’s books
Organized by Ekaré and Carlos Fuentes Bookstore of the University of Guadalajara
Guadalajara, Mexico
Writing to see
Organized within the FILIJ Professional Conferences
Mexico City, Mexico
Illustrated album book talk
Organized by Fondo de Cultura Económica (Economic Culture Fund) and Escuela Normal para Maestras de Jardines de Infancia (Normal School for Kindergarten Teachers)
Mexico City, Mexico
Organized by IBBY Chile
Santiago, Chile
Project review
Organized by Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Illustrated album book writing workshop
Organized by Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Talk about Javier Saez Castán and Grassa Toro’s books
Organized by Centro Cultural de España (Cultural Center of Spain)
Lima, Peru
And the tulip. Talk about “Duck, death and the tulip”, by Wolf Erlbruch
Organized by ALIJA, Asociación de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil de Argentina (ALIJA, Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature Association of Argentina)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
And the tulip. Talk about “Duck, death and the tulip”, by Wolf Erlbruch
Organized by Los libros del vendaval (Books of the gale)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Writing to see. Illustrated album book writing workshop
Organized by Los libros del vendaval (Books of the gale)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Can we also talk about that in children’s books?
Organized by Lupas Bookstore
Lima, Peru
To play with books. Workshop for parents.
Organized by Lupas Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Books as doors
Micaela Chirif, Claudia Cadenazzo and Teresa Marcos
Organized by Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Perú
Workshops and talks 2017
To read illustrated album books. Workshop for teachers
National Meeting of Rural Networks of Fe y Alegría
Organized by Fe y Alegría
Lima, Peru
To read album books. Workshop for teachers
Organized by Casa de la Literatura Peruana (House of Peruvian Literature)
Lima, Peru
Seeing to read
Organized by Fondo de Cultura Económica (Economic Culture Fund) and Asociación de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil de Argentina (Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature Association of Argentina)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Writing to see
Organized by Fundación La Fuente (La Fuente Foundation)
Santiago, Chile
Reading illustrated album books. Workshop for undergraduate and postgraduate pedagogy students
Organized by Universidad Andrés Bello (Andrés Bello University)
Santiago, Chile
Broken phone. Analysis
Festival “La lectura es mi norte” (“Reading is my north” Festival)
Lima, Peru
Reading illustrated album books
Organized by Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Workshops and talks 2016
Reading illustrated album books
Organized by Ibero Bookstore
Lima, Peru
Text/image relationships. Reading of ‘Rules of the summer’ by Shaun Tan
Organized by Universidad Andrés Bello (Andrés Bello University)
Santiago, Chile
Talk about the illustrated album book
Organized by Fundación La Fuente (La Fuente Foundation)
Santiago, Chile
Illustrated album book
Organized by Hay Festival
Arequipa, Peru
Illustrated album book workshop
Organized by Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (Peruvian North American Cultural Institute)
Arequipa, Peru